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Dustin Joubert


Perhaps one of the greatest questions in modern running shoe do Crocs impact running performance? This question is only more pertinent due to the great running success of Benjamin Pachev breaking 15 minutes for 5k and running 1:06 and change for the half marathon in the modern footwear marvel that is the Croc.

Testing Methods

For this case study comparison I looked at the Classic Croc in Sport Mode, the Nike Alphafly, and my traditional control shoe (Asics Hyper Speed) for one rep each at 6:15/mile pace. Check out this link to see what running economy is, how it is measured, and how it impacts performance.


My running economy was nearly 5% worse in the Crocs compared to the control shoe, and over 8% worse than in the Alphafly.

Take Home Message

Despite the success of the aforementioned Benjamin Pachev, unfortunately for me personally, I did not find the Crocs to be a suitable racing shoe alternative to the Nike Alphafly. The toe box is quite roomy in the Croc, so I do recommend testing in thicker socks in the future.


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